Mon–Fri: 7am–6pm
Sat: 7:30am–12pm
Sun: Closed

Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) – Part 2

The most important change that can be made is to increase the amount of water that your cat takes in.  This is most easily done by feeding canned food.  Water can be added to the canned food as well.  Many cats prefer to drink running water and cat fountains will meet this need.  Flavoring their water bowl with a little bit of liquid from tuna packed in water can help.  By increasing water intake the urine is diluted which may decrease the exposure of the bladder wall to noxious components that cause inflammation.  Subcutaneous fluids can also be used to increase water intake and to dilute the urine.

Medications to reduce pain, inflammation, and anxiety may be useful.  Anti-spasmodics and tranquilizers may help to relieve urethral spasms that occur from the inflammation present.  Glucosamine may be helpful in some cats to help in repairing the defective epithelium in the bladder wall.

Environmental enrichment can be helpful in preventing stress that leads to FIC.  Environmental enrichment includes litter box management, food and water bowl locations and numbers, resting areas, hiding areas, play options, and vertical space (cat trees and areas where cats can go up high).  Information is available at the website for the Indoor Cat Initiative by The Ohio State University. (http://indoorpet.osu.edu/cats).

When the FLUTD has been going on for a long time the cat may have developed a habit of urinating outside the box and behavioral modification techniques may be needed too.

We will work with you and your cat in hopes of finding a workable combination of treatments. Reoccurrence is frequent and can be frustrating.  Please feel free to schedule an appointment to discuss your cat’s lower urinary tract issues.



Mon–Fri: 7am–6pm
Sat: 7:30am–12pm
Sun: Closed