Sat: 7:30am–12pm
Sun: Closed
Sat: 7:30am–12pm
Sun: Closed
At Lake Olympia veterinary clinic, we make sure to stay up to date on the latest veterinary news. You can visit this page for updates and breaking news on veterinary happenings around the world!
The AAFP Welcomes Lake Olympia Animal Hospital to the Cat Friendly Practice Program
March 12, 2014 – Lake Olympia Animal Hospital is proud to announce that is it recognized by the AAFP as a Cat Friendly Practice (CFP) at the GOLD level.
Press Release – Lake Olympia CFP Gold Level
For more information on the Cat Friendly Practice program, visit

Food Recalls
Questions about Trifexis®?
Reports have been made concerning unfortunate deaths in dogs due to the administration of Trifexis. These reports have captured our attention and we continue to seek information to guide our recommendation of this product for our clients’ pets. We are aware of certain side effects which include vomiting, lethargy and diarrhea; however, we have not experienced what we consider to be serious side effects, and certainly, there have been no deaths attributed to Trifexis in our practice. Two information sources are the American Veterinary Medical Association and Elanco, the manufacturer of Trifexis. According to these sources, no deaths due to the administration of Trifexis have been confirmed. In fact, television and social media reports of deaths associated with the administration of Trifexis, prove to be from causes other than the use of Trifexis. We continue to be vigilant in our pursuit of information about claims of death related to Trifexis, but at this time we find no foundation in fact to support those claims. The majority of our doctors’ and team members’ dogs are on this product for heartworm, flea and parasite prevention.